
If You Aim for the Stars You Will Make it to the Moon

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There is a saying that goes something like that. Although when I looked it up I found there are a number of variations on it. The way the reasoning goes is if you aim for some extravagant goal and fall short of it you will still end up far since a little off from the ideal is still quite an achievement.

This site got to be so far beyond what I planned it to be somehow. I only wanted to transition a few of my social media posts to new website technology that could be used for making basic business content. Yet its incredible growth let it become its own thing. Life occasionally issues surprises.

A little startup intended for moderate growth became the biggest three projects of my life. I think of those movies where ah baseball player strikes out so many times before delivering the biggest homerun of their life. Maybe that is where the shooting for the stars comparison comes in except you don't shoot for the stars but are waiting for them to align.

Wednesday February 28th, 2024