How Education Plays a Continuing Major Role in my Work.
School has played a major role in tandem with my work. I’ve discovered if it gets deprioritized my output suffers. It doesn’t seem to matter how high of an achievement I reached in education in the past. Once I hit a plateau it eventually becomes stale. This just seems to be the side effect to a long of stretch in time where I avoid extensive learning.
This Summer and Fall I am starting a site for a teacher to sell text books. The first phase of it is already complete and I am excited about where it is going! It is important to note that for my client’s work to progress I haven’t stopped experimenting in UI on my own. The three sites I’ve started for myself will function in lockstep with the new jobs. One site will nicely dovetail off the other.
As I consider all this I am reminded of a segment by Laura Ingraham. When confronted with lowering costs for some schools she asked “well what if students spend their whole lives in school?” I would imagine under those circumstances more people would continue obtaining skills that help them find meaningful positions in their work. Those of great potential could fulfill what they were meant to be instead of being denied entrance.